Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drinking water is good for you...but could be bad for rivers

What does a bottle of water from the store really cost?
...manufacture plastic bottles,extract water,transport bottles to stores,transport the fraction of bottles recycled to recycling plants,then recycled materials are transported back to the factory....sounds like we paying for oil (transportation & manufacturing)...whew...and to think we could have just turned on the tap

Who (or what) pays the price?
What impact have we caused by purchasing a bottle rather than filling one up....did we lose a section of river, habitat for a native fish, food for surrounding wildlife, water supply downstream...?

Did you know...

  • 1.5 million gallons of OIL are used each year to facilitate the lifecycle of disposable water bottles.
  • Gas is expensive - around $2.77 per gallon. Guess how much bottled water is? $6.20 per gallon Did we mention it comes out of the tap for mere pennies?

Learn more by visiting: www.friendsoftheriver.org/WaterBottles

1 comment:

  1. Dan Walters just wrote an interesting blog echoing that bottled water is a huge energy drain. Read his post here: http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/capitolalertlatest/020031.html#discovery
